Fire Coordinator, Allan Dover states the Lauderdale County Fire Service is comprised of 16 Volunteer Fire Departments with 21 fire stations; these departments are staffed with over 300 personnel that provide fire protection, rescue, and emergency medical services to the citizens of Lauderdale County.
Our average call volume is 2500 calls a year. In addition to the countless hours given to responding to calls, many of our volunteers also dedicate a large portion of their free time to training to meet the ever expanding demands of the job to include Fire Suppression, Hazardous Material Incidents, Vehicle Extrication, and Emergency Medical calls.
The Lauderdale County Fire Service is fortunate to have a large group of personnel that dedicate so many hours to improving the county Fire Service and the fire service as a whole through continuing education at the Mississippi Fire Academy and the National Fire Academy. Many of these men and women can be seen carrying out this mission every day in Lauderdale County.
In addition to our personnel, the Lauderdale County Fire Service enjoys a good working relationship with our Board of Supervisors who assist us in achieving our goals by providing equipment and funding to carry out our missions.